Friday 20 March 2020

Lesson 6. English. Unit 5. The end

Lesson 6 - English


The End

Hi there! 

Fridays are not the same at home but... IT'S FRIDAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYY!!!!!!

(Let me be happy, okay?)

Okay, no more English/Science homework ... till next week. Pinky promise :)

But, BUT, as I said wrote on WedNESday 

HERE is a small test of the Unit 5.

  Remember! It's not official, just try to do your best :)

Happy weekend! :)

Your English Teacher

Ps: I have seen your Would you rather questions...?  

[By the way, you still can do it 
and SOME STUDENTS haven't written their names at the end 
so they are anonymous #whoopsie]