Friday 17 April 2020

#COroN-ARTE! - Seurat


..... SEURAT....

This week is going to be about Georges Seurat.

“Some say they see poetry in my paintings; I see only science.”

So, who was George? 

Well, he was a French artist and this one of his most iconic paintings:

Georges Seurat Art Projects for Kids
'A Sunday afternoon on the island of La Grande Jatte'
It has a really cool effect thanks to Seurat's favourite painting technique - pointillism

In POINTILLISM, tiny dots of colour are put together, repeatedly, till it fills in an entire area. Your brain will mix it ip so your eyes will see a single picture rather than a combination of dots. 

You can find that and read more about him here:

What are we going to do?

We are going to do a pointillism art choosing the design that you prefer. 

There are different ways to do it and it will depend on what you like and the art supplies that you have at home. I'm going to give you two easy choices this time, feel free to choose the one that you prefer or something new, it's up to you! 

                                                     First Choice #StepbyStep 

You will need paints or watercolour, a piece of paper ... and cotton buds! Although you can use a brush too. 

Cotton Swabs, Cotton Buds, Q-Tips, Hygiene, Ear, Buds.       Paint Strokes, Paint Brushes, Colorful, Painting.         Paper, Document, Empty, Draft, Page, Frame

1st. Choose and draw a simple design

Cotton bud printed dandelions - enjoy this beautiful summer craft for kids and use simple cotton swabs to make this dandelion craft
2nd. Start colouring using the cotton buds or brushes

Cotton bud dandelion craft | Arts & Crafts | Mas & PasCotton bud printed dandelions - enjoy this beautiful summer craft for kids and use simple cotton swabs to make this dandelion craft

                                                     Second Choice#StepbyStep 

You will need felt-tip pens / markers and a piece of paper! You can use pencils too, but it is easier with markers. 

                    Creative, Stationary, Motivation, Design, Color.                Paper, Document, Empty, Draft, Page, Frame

1st. Choose and draw a simple design

2nd. Start colouring using the felt-tip pens/markers

                                                              Easy Pointillism for Kids - The Crafting Chicks

Hi there!

I'd love to see your creations! You can send a picture of your drawing to my email: and if you and your parents agree, I can add it to our Pinterest.

You have done some really great work, #congrats! You can check your classmates' art here:

Have a nice weekend!


Your Art Teacher