Monday 23 March 2020



Last week, I told you that you could draw a fantastic creature. Have you done it?

Cause if you have, you can send a picture to me! (

Also, if you and your family agree, I can add it to this space that I've created for that in Pinterest.

REMEMBER! If you send me a picture of your drawing to my email ( you have to write your name and tell me if you want your drawing in Pinterest ;)

I've already add this picture that I did last week to put in my window. 

What about you

Have you drawn something special these days?

By the way, on Wednesday I'll show you the Art lesson of this week! 


Your Art Teacher

Lesson 7. English Unit 6: Vocabulary

Lesson 7 - English



It's MON(ster)DAY!

Last week we finished Unit 5. You can still do all the activities checking the previous lessons.

This week we are going to start a new unit.  Let's start with the vocabulary!


Learn the vocabulary in Unit 6. You can use a piece of paper to study or this quizlet, it's up to you!

Also, practice the spelling! 

Activity Book --> Page 58. Ex: 1


Do you know what a crossover is?

In TV, a crossover is when two or more different things - movies, characters, tv shows - are together in one movie or episode.

For example: Avengers: Infinity War is a HUGE crossover.

Well, today we are going to do a crossover between English and Maths.

Why don't you review the numbers in English?

Numbers 1-100 (1st Edition)

Numbers 1-100 (2nd Edition)

Ordinal Numbers (1st - 20th)

Time Tables (Games)

Did you know....? In UK, students have to study the times tables  from 1-12!

Have a nice Mon(ster)day!

Your English Teacher

Lesson 6. Natural Science. New topic!



Common illnesses

Ironically, the new topic is about HEALTH!

Today I just want you to check this new topic (Unit 3) in the book, look at the pages, the pictures, the drawings...

Is there anything interesting?

 Anything you want to know more?


You might have watched this video already, it is a really good song and yes, we have to wash our hands properly but... CAN YOU SEE THE HUUUUGE MISTAKE IN THIS VIDEO?

Stay healthy!

Your Science Teacher