Thursday 23 April 2020

BOOM! - World Book Day Edition

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REMEMBER! It's just a game!


 Your English Teacher, a reader

#COroN-ARTE! - Special Edition - Book day!




Here are some ideas for you to do #Arts&Crafts on this special day. 


You can do them with different designs and supplies :) 



The limit is your imagination!

Hi there!

I'd love to see your creations! You can send a picture of your BOOK DAY CRAFTS to my email and if you and your parents agree, I can add it to our Pinterest.

You're doing amazing works, #congrats! You can check your classmates' art here:

Have a nice book day!


Your Art Teacher


23rd April

Today was one of these days when 
I would have drawn something awful in the whiteboard. 

Today is the day where two of the GOAT 
(Greatest Of All Time) in literacy died, 
Miguel de Cervantes and William Shakespeare. 
(That's what they say)

Today is the WORLD BOOK DAY!

Today is Sant Jordi 
  'en la terra de la meva Γ via'.
Today is just another perfect day to start reading.

Today is just another lovely day to talk about books.

And today, my deeply missed students,

is one of my favourite days of the year. 
Because, if you haven't noticed yet, 


Welcome to the World Book Day in the blog :)


Who's the BEST? He's the BEST.

Yes, you can see my head in the top. I've got a big head, OKAY? Okay.

I didn't know she had curly hair! 

Do you want to join us?

It's tricky! 

You have to find a book/page with a face

 and REPLACE your face.

REMEMBER! If we see your face, you lose!


Send me your pictures to my email.

We can create an album with all the pictures - if you follow the rules.

Your teachers are going to be on it!


😊Your teacher, a reader😊