Monday 1 June 2020

Reading Monday: Rumpelstiltskin

Reading in English


Today we have read together a classic fairy tale 
by the Brothers Grimm. 

This famous tale was included in the 1812 volume 'Children's and Household Tales by the Brothers Grim (a book that's better known as Grimm's Fairy Tales).

The German brothers not only wrote their own tales, but they also collected the ones the tales people told them.

There are hundreds of different versions of this tale, we have read the one in Oxfordowl ;) 

There are movies about this peculiar goblin... And like I said, there's also a Tv-show with him in flesh and bone (GIF) Watch the trailer clicking here --> #OnceUponATime

                       You can hear the story again in these videos, both in English and Spanish. 

Hope you like it!

Your English teacher