Thursday 28 May 2020

#COroN-ARTE: Pixel Art (Geek day!


           PIXEL ART            

This week has been the GEEK PRIDE DAY! 
As you know, the teacher is a proud geek (or nerd) so this week we're going to do PIXEL ART

What are we going to do?

We are going to do  PIXEL ART  choosing the design that you like. It can be anything! 

There are thousands of designs on the internet to inspire you. 

For example, in this website you can find lots of designs and how to do them. Also, there are hundreds of templates in Pinterest.

Option 1 - (Paper) Pixel art!

You're going to need a piece of paper... of a notebook
Why? Because we need the squares!!!!!
Also, you're going to need pencils or markers ;)
(and patience)

1st. You need a graph paper

2nd. Choose a design and start doing small dots. 

3rd. Colour the dots. 

Option 2 - Pixel art online! 

If you like working with the computer...

Go to this website  where you can do your pixel art online!

 It's really cool :D

Hi there!

I'd love to see your creations! You can send me a pic of your drawing through #Teams or to my email. And if you and your parents agree, I can add it to our Pinterest

PLEASE! Please!!!!! Text me (Chat in Teams) if you want to add it to Pinterest. 

Have you visited the best - obviously - free art gallery in the world? 


Your Art teacher