Wednesday 25 March 2020

#COroN-ARTE! - Mondrian



Starting this week, I'm going to write in this blog one art lesson per week.

And we are going to begin with ... 


Piet Mondrian was a Dutch artist best known for his modern abstract paintings. 

Do you want to know more about Piet?  Check this links:


What are we going to do?

You need to choose a simple design (a flower, a ball, an owl, a cat, a hot air ballon, a letter,... ) and you are going to colour it with "Style", the same design that Mondrian did with many of his paintings. 

What do we need?

Colored pencils
Piece of paper

Here are some examples!*

 (*) = This examples were drawn by former students of mine :)


Hello HELLO!

I'd love to see your creations! You can send a picture of your drawing to my email: and if you and your parents agree, I can add it to our Pinterest. 


Your Art Teacher

Lesson 7. Natural Science: Healthy and Happy :)



Hello, hello! 

I really hope you're healthy and happy :)

The name of this topic is 'Common illnesses' (Page 22 ) but I don't like it. So... we are going to change it! 

The new name of the topic is going to be...  

Healthy and happy

This topic is going to be divided in 3 parts: 

1. Healthy eating 

2. A healthy lifestyle

3. Health and medicine


You should have your Science notebook with you... So today your job is do an amazing title page/cover of this topic. You have to include: 

  • Unit 3 
  • Natural Science
  • The name of the topic (Healthy and happy)
  • Drawing


Healthy and happy. That's the name of the topic. 

Health is not only about your arm, leg or kidney, what you eat or how much exercise you do. It's also about emotions, about how you feel. We have to take care of that too. 

How do you feel?

I feel good - James Brown 

That's it for today!

Stay healthy ... and happy! 😄😄😄😄😄

Your Science Teacher