Thursday 12 March 2020

Lesson 1 - English. Mythical creatures

Lesson 1 - English


Hello hello!

How are you doing?

On Tuesday, we read about a mythical creature, the Hydra (Pupil's book, page 57). But there are a lot of mythical creatures and they are really curious.

What is a mythical creature

For starters, it is an IMAGINARY creature. Some of them have at one time believed to be real creatures and others were based on real creatures.

The Greeks had a lot of myths and mythical creatures connected to the religion in Ancient Greece. If you are interested you can read more about it here.

Also, in class we were reading Beast Quest: Fern, the fire dragon, that also has mythical creatures.


Read again the myth about the Hydra in the pupil's book, page 57. And then, if you haven't, finish exercise 2 in the activity book, page 54.


Write a story about your own special mythical/fantastic creature. Will it have powers? 28 legs? 8 eyes? Would it be able to fly?  Use between 60-80 words. Don't forget to draw it!


Bluewi, the ice salamander

Bluewi is an ice salamander that lives in Granada. Bluewi is a small and blue salamander with dark blue spots. It has big eyes and very cool glasses. She has four legs and a long spiky tail. 

She's very active and likes to turn things into ice. She loves ice skating and kiwis! Sometimes, Bluewi feels very lonely because all her salamander friends are fire salamanders and there are no ice salamanders in the city. 

One day, there is a huge fire in the city centre. Sevilion, the fire dragon, has caused a massive fire. The firefighters can't control the fire and the fire salamanders call Bluewi so she can help. And she did! She stopped the fire using her ice abilities! 

Now the baby salamanders want to be ice salamanders like Bluewi.


The English Teacher