Wednesday 18 March 2020

Lesson 5. English. Have I done everything?

Lesson 5 - English


Have I done everything?

What do you need to know / study in Unit 5?

  • Grammar:  
    • If it's ..... we can .... >  If it's sunny, we can stay at home.
    • We can.... if it's ...... >  We can't go to school if it's sunny.
    • Would you rather....?  I'd rather .... > I'd rather be at the school.

ON FRIDAY, I'm going to do a small test of this Unit. 


Check that you have done all the activities in the activity book. Check the spelling!

And study for the small test on Friday. That's it!


Answer this 'Would you rather...?' questions. 

This time, we are going to use Google Form. GOOGWHAT? WHAT'S THAT? 

Relax! It's really easy, it's just 10 questions and you just have to write down the answers. 


When you write your lovely answer, write your name at the end. 

Would you rather eat apples or kiwis?
Ex: I'd rather eat kiwis (Leia)
Ex: I'd rather eat bananas. By Luke.

Here you have some examples of what I'll see when you finish.

REMEMBER! If you want me to know which one are your answers, write your name at the end. 

Have a good day! 😊

Your English Teacher