Friday 27 March 2020

Lesson 8. Natural Science: Healthy eating



Healthy eating

On Wednesday, I told you that this topic is going to be divided in 3 parts: 

1. Healthy eating 

2. A healthy lifestyle

3. Health and medicine

Well, today we are going to start with the first one: Healthy eating.


Read page 24 in your natural science book.  Anything you didn't know about?

Now, like we used to do in class, you have to copy the theory in your notebooks. 

HERE you can see this document, 'the whiteboard 3.0'. Now, it's up to you! 


First the cover of the topic, then you write the title 'healthy eating' and you write the theory :)

Also, there are different activities in BlinkLearning, but they remove the access to the digital book 😓😓😓😓 Anyway, there's a video of the experiment in page 31 which is really interesting!

Stay healthy, eat healthy ... and be happy😄😄

Your Science Teacher