Wednesday 29 April 2020

Lesson 16. English Unit 7: Grammar

Lesson 16 - English

UNIT 7: In the City


Barely Holding On Drag GIF - BarelyHoldingOn Drag IsItTheWeekend GIFs
It's Wednesday! 💪💪

Last day we focused on the vocabulary of the Unit. Have you studied it? You're still on time HERE.

Today, we are going to study the grammar. It's really easy! It's about the FUTURE! 

UPDATE: Here is a document that Holly has done to explain the grammar. Thanks Holly!


Grab your pupil's book and listen! (Yes, you just have to listen)
  • Page 73  (Lesson 2 Grammar). Ex: 1 and 3
  • Page 76  (Lesson 4 Vocabulary and Grammar). Ex: 2 and 3
Also, in the Activity book you have to complete:
  • Page 71. Ex: 1 and 2
  • Page 73. Ex: 2 and 3
(*) If the number is in blue, it means if you clic on it you get the audio!

Write 5 sentences using the FUTURE tense in a document/notebook and add it to the task in #Teams - or to my email. 

1. Granada C.F. will be the winner of the 2025 UEFA Champions League. (Obviously)

2. The English teacher will have a red Ferrari in the future.

3. Children won't be thrown out of the window by the teacher. 

4. Next year we will have the same math teacher.

5. Water Cycle Song will be the summer song in 2021. 

Have a nice day!

Your English teacher